Monday, May 23, 2011

Visiting Friends

It's kind of a dream come true to have my friends/family from South Africa come and visit me in my hometown, first Keri Dodge and just this last week Zach and Anneke Price! We talked and laughed and had amazing food and talked some more. Its was superb.

Though the visit was a short one, it was a huge blessing to be with some of my favorite people on the planet. Thanks Zach and Anneke for taking the time to come and see me and my family. I love you both and miss you more than I can say!


Jen Price said...

So glad they came and y'all got to visit. Next time it's me coming to visit...

Zachary Price said...

Glad u have some bettr pics of me, looks like I'm sitting naked on the couch w you! Good memories. Love u!!

Zachary Price said...

That was me Anneke commenting by the way