Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mom

In honor of Mother's day and because I'm not home to give her flowers or even a hug, I thought I'd write a blog telling you all about my amazing Mom.

Mary Deniston is a strong woman. You'd have to be really to have given birth to 5 boys and 4 girls. Her strength and iron will is coupled with an incredibly soft heart given to an amazing capacity for compassion. Slow to cry or show any pain, sometimes its hard to see when she's been wounded and hurt. As our relationship has grown and matured over the last few years and deepened past the mother/daughter stage, she lets me see her wounds more easily and I love her all the more for her battle-scarred heart.

My Mom has taught me that you are never too old to change and that while life hurts, the joy is worth the pain. She's taught me what it means to be a good mother and wife. She continually shows me love when I don't deserve it and has humbly walked with God through the years.

My Mother and I are very different to say the least. We argue about everything from politics to fashion to my current hair color [which changes constantly]. She's frustrating and completely unbending when it comes to her opinions. She challenges me in my relationship with God and is never hesitant to point out areas of growth.

But I miss sitting in the kitchen with her in the mornings drinking coffee and the smell of her hand moisturizer she's used every night before bed since before I can remember. I miss trips to Costco where I try to sneak things in the cart and she pretends not to notice. I miss her laugh when she's making fun of herself and her crazy, pedal-to-the-metal driving.

I love you, Mom. Happy Mother's Day!

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